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- Re: Touchpad dose not working and I2C HID device shows a Cod...
Touchpad dose not working and I2C HID device shows a Code 10.
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It has been a while since anyone has replied. Simply ask a new question if you would like to start the discussion again.
218 5 2 1,101
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07-11-202405:31 AM
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Hello Nobani, you're welcome, I'm sorry that it didn't solve your problem, what I would do is do a clean installation of Windows 11 again, copy the files that you don't want to lose and install them in the partition as you know C. It's The only thing that can be done, it will surely solve the problem. I leave you the link to download windows 11.
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218 5 2 1,087
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07-11-202406:05 AM - edited 07-11-202406:29 AM
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7 1 0 1,051
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07-18-202402:36 AM
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Sorry for the late reply,
Unfortunately, I can`t uninstall Windows just for the driver, and I don`t see a solution to fix the problem sens its 50% chance of not working.
I believe HP should support Windows 11 23H2, I think most of the users now use this version.
Also, I can`t downgrade to 22H2 due to the Windows license, might not work with my license
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218 5 2 1,035
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07-18-202403:48 AM
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Hello Nobani, don't worry, it's a pleasure to help. I'm going to leave you some commands for CMD or command prompt, always Run as administrator. Open Command Prompt, copy and paste these commands.
This will scan for and restore corrupted system files.
• When searching, type CMD.
• Right-click Command Prompt > Open as administrator
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
When you're done, type another command to start System File Checker.
In the same command prompt window. Copy and paste this command:
type sfc /scannow (note the space between "sfc" and "/") and press Enter.
After you see a message that says "Verification 100% complete," type exit.
How to use CHKDSK command?
Type cmd (or command prompt) in the search box on the taskbar. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator. Type chkdsk and press the Enter key. This command will cause the CHKDSK utility to check for problems without making changes
I hope it helps you solve the error. I also leave you the link of two tools to do a complete system check for outdated drivers and perform component tests.
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